How Much Money Do Truck Drivers Make in the United States?

September 19, 2021

Truck driving can be a lucrative and profitable endeavor if you understand how the industry works. The total truck driving salary you could earn will vary depending on the driving tasks you complete, and the equipment you use when transporting goods. Your location for work may also be a factor of note. You could also be eligible for more jobs depending on the CDL you hold.

Truck drivers in the United States can earn about $45,000 a year. The broad-scale for truck drivers can range from $25,000 to $65,000, based on the American Trucking Association and the United States Bureau of Labor.

The total money you can earn while driving can be significant, especially if you have enough experience. Drivers traditionally receive more money if they have extra experience operating large commercial vehicles. This is a worthwhile consideration if you’re looking for a good position in this field. Read on to learn more about how much money truck drivers make in the United States!

Requirements for Truck Drivers

What is the Average Local Truck Driver Salary? 

The average local truck driver salary in the United States is $54,884 per year or $26.39 for an hourly rate. The way you’re paid for your work can influence how much money you will earn for your work. You will often be paid by the hour, but some trucking companies may also pay you by the mile.

For example, you could earn anywhere from 25 to 40 cents per mile when driving. Since an average trucker will complete at least two thousand miles in a week, you could earn $1,000 or more in a week.

Those paid by the hour may receive about $15 to $25 per hour for their work. This can become substantial, but you might have an easier time making more money if you are paid by the mile instead.

Hence, you might have a tough time negotiating a good salary if you aren’t all that experienced. Those who have more experience in trucking will be more likely to make money if they can exhibit the best possible skills when driving. You can negotiate a good pay rate if you can show you’re capable of handling whatever driving tasks you want to complete.

Can a Truck Driver Make $100K a Year?

A truck driver can make $100,000 a year as a truck driver, but it takes time to reach this point. You can reach that milestone through many measures:

  • Experience in the field

  • Further CDL training

  • Providing specialized services for different trucking needs

What Do 2021 Truckers Make?

Truckers, particularly entry-level drivers, can earn around $40,000 a year in some situations. The total will vary surrounding one’s specialization, the work location, and the company that hires the driver.

Truck freight totals are expected to increase in 2021 and 2022, especially as the American economy reopens. New truckers could potentially earn more money as companies start to hire new drivers again. Some trucking companies may also offer bonuses to existing truckers. These include bonuses for signing with a new team or sticking with one’s existing employer.

Do Truck Drivers Make Good Money?

Trucker drivers can make good money as their pay is not bad. The Bureau of Labor Statistics writes that an average worker will earn about $50,000 in a year.

Truck drivers can reach close to that amount in many situations, although the more experienced drivers will go above that total. Truck drivers do make great money when they work hard and attain enough experience in their field.

What Types of Drivers Make the Most Money?

Certain drivers will make more money than others because of the equipment they use, or the specific goods they transport:

  • Bulk Truckers. A bulk trucker will carry more weight on average. These can include items that might require a more powerful truck to carry them. A bulk trucker can make $50,000 or more per year.
  • Flatbed Truckers. A flatbed trucker must work hard to ensure the exposed cargo on the flatbed is properly secured and will not slip off. Flatbed trucks are often heavier and require extra stopping distance and a more significant turning radius. Such truckers can also earn $50,000 per year.
  • Tank Truckers. Tank truckers earn more money on average due to the extra work necessary for ensuring the inside of the tank is clean and safe. The driver  also requires extra control over the truck to ensure the moving liquid inside doesn’t impact how the truck handles on the road. You could earn $60,000 a year in this position, although that total could be higher if the cargo you transport is dangerous.

Salaries Vary By State

The salary you can earn will vary by state. Most drivers will make extra money if they are in states with various points:

  • The most valuable states are the ones with the most intricate road networks. California, New York, and various parts of the Washington D.C. area pay more on average because of how complicated the roads can be.

  • States that are subject to more traffic on average can also offer more valuable jobs. These include states like Massachusetts and New Jersey.

  • Some high-paying states may feature vast rural roads that require drivers to be more cautious and controlled with their vehicles. Doing so will ensure they don’t waste more fuel than necessary. Some of these states include Nevada, Wyoming, Kentucky, and New Mexico.

Can Specific Jobs Pay More?

Some truck driving jobs will pay people more. However, while this is the case, some jobs that pay more can be increasingly dangerous.

Here are a few examples of the specific jobs:

  • Oversize Loads. You can make more money by transporting oversize loads. These are loads that may be wider than the truck and may weigh more than other loads. Such trucking jobs can be rewarding, but they require extra patience and control to ensure you handle the truck right.

  • Hazardous Materials. You could also transport hazardous materials like gasoline or petroleum. Hazardous material transportation pays more because of the added risk, but you must also be especially cautious when ensuring you transport everything well without putting anything at risk of harm.

  • Ice Road Travels. Many of the country’s best drivers are ice road drivers. They can handle icy roads in various arctic and frigid conditions. They also know how to fix their trucks if they experience any weather-related concerns. Ice road trucking is highly profitable, although it only lasts for a few months each year.

Highest Paying Truck Driving Job

Review Your License

Your license may influence what you can earn, as you might be eligible for more valuable jobs if you have the proper license for some tasks.

While you could transport various vehicles with a Class B or C CDL, you would likely earn more money if you have a Class A CDL. Class A CDL holders can operate trailers with two or more axles. You could control a vehicle with a gross weight rating of at least 26,000 pounds, with the trailer having a gross weight rating of at least 10,000 pounds.

You may also require different certifications and endorsements on your CDL to be eligible for some jobs. These include separate certifications for hazardous material transportation and other tasks of note. Check with whatever CDL license requirements you might need for a job before you attempt to apply for that work.


You can make a significant amount of money when working as a truck driver in the United States. You must ensure, though, that you look for a good position that you’re comfortable with and that you receive the proper training for whatever truck you will manage while on the road. The profession is rewarding and can be a worthwhile experience if you’re looking for something exciting and interesting for work.

About the author

I’m Luis Uribe, author of this website. I am the owner and head publisher for Trucker Daily and a freight brokerage Total Connection Logistics. I have been in and around the trucking industry for over 15 years. It is my mission with Trucker daily to equip truck drivers, with the latest in industry updates, news, and helpful tips to help further your trucking career and life. Whether you are a truck driving veteran, or beginner, you will find information on this site to save you a lot of time in your driving journey.

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